The NDA will form the next government. But it will lose significantly in terms of seats in three other states: 12 seats in Rajasthan, 10 seats in Madhya Pradesh and 9 seats in Chhattisgarh. Chandrasekhar Rao of the ruling TRS in Telangana and many other CMs to firm up a third front or a federal front, with or without the support of the Congress."Other internal analyses of booths by parties show the Congress tally could stand between 120-180 seats, while the BJP may muster 200-240 seats. The smallest loss in terms of vote share will be seen in Uttar Pradesh (2.Despite the shrill campaign of muscular nationalism blended with aggressive Hindutva, a section in the BJP apprehends that it might be difficult for the party to touch 200 if they falter in Uttar Pradesh and fail to make considerable gains in West Bengal and Odisha. "With NDA we will have a comfortable majority," he said referring to the National Democratic Alliance. 1 campaign and the INS Viraat controversy being brought up against former PM Rajiv Gandhi at the fag end of the campaign, a surprise result is very much on the cards with no one ready to hazard a guess on whom these explosive charges will benefit.79% in Himachal Pradesh, 13% in Madhya Pradesh, and about 16% each in Chhattisgarh and Rajasthan.
The six major Hindi heartland states which gave the BJP a major boost included UP (80 Lok Sabha seats), Madhya Pradesh (29), Rajasthan (25), Chhattisgarh (11), Uttarakhand (5) and Himachal Pradesh(4). Shiv Sena leader Sanjay Raut quickly followed suit.For the BJP, it has always been the Hindi heartland which decided its fate."The survey then went on to state that "if voting patterns in the recent past are good predictors of current voting trends, then BJP could face a deficit of 75 parliamentary seats in these six states alone, vis-a-vis its performance in the 2014 Lok Sabha elections. With no wave discernable, either against the ruling dispensation or in favour of the opposition, and issues like the Bhrashtachari No.Predicting a poll outcome has never been easy and more so when 900 million people from far-flung places as diverse as Arunachal Pradesh and Lakshadweep exercise their franchise to elect a national government to lord over their destinies for five years. "What Ram Madhav says is right.
As the voter trudges to the polling booth to get his finger inked, the big question is: what weighs most on his mind - lofty national issues or more mundane matters like the scarcity of jobs, drought and farmer issues? SANJAY BASAK delves into the paradoxes of the 2019 polls where the BJP-led NDA, despite its failures on many fronts, could still forge ahead of the opposition making the best of its lack of unity and a cohesive approach to national issues. While the loss of vote share is important, its conversion in terms of loss of seats is more important. It will lose the most in Uttar Pradesh - a total of about 44 seats.8%), followed by 5. The BJP-led NDA could emerge as the single-largest formation but the opposition including the Congress and the Mahagathbandan could very well strike a poll pact to deprive the saffronists of another shot at power. What has made the 2019 Lok Sabha elections even more unpredictable for China Custom sign Factory even poll veterans is the mindboggling range of issues the campaign has thrown up from demonetisation and lack of jobs to terror, the nation’s security and now, the anti-Sikh riots of 1984. Sensing a real chance to seize power from the BJP, efforts have been launched by the canny K. The BJP will be the single-largest party. A survey in The Wire indicated that "in each of these states, the BJP will lose its vote share.Is the cat finally out of the bag? At a time when the long drawn out seven-phase election is slowly drawing to a close with 118 seats yet to go to polls — 59 this Sunday — and the remaining on May 19 and when saffron pundits, strategists and a section of the media are forcefully projecting a figure of nearly 300 seats for the BJP alone, comes the Ram Madhav and Shiv Sena spoilers.25% in Himachal Pradesh, 8. "If we get 271 seats on our own, we will be very happy," Madhav said in an interview with Bloomberg News in New Delhi on Saturday. As of now, it looks a bit difficult for the BJP to reach the 280-282 figure on its own but our NDA "parivar" (family) will cross the majority mark," was his admission. It is only in the two smaller states of Himachal Pradesh and Uttarakhand that the BJP will manage to retain its tally of seats